Multibanco is a Portuguese online payment system which relies on the creation of virtual credit cards used for internet payments.
The maximum payable amount by a customer, for Multibanco, is:
Fabrick Payment Orchestra will generate a Multibanco code to the user
The user will use this code to pay at a MultiBanco ATM, via mobile or via internet.
Wait for the receipt of the payment before shipping goods.
Contact Fabrick customer support to setup Multibanco and Fabrick Payment Orchestra. This process requires 4/5 business days.
If you want to use the paymentType tag for this method, the value to use is S2PMUL. See the section How to redirect the customer to a payment method to learn how to use the paymentType tag.
An example call is available in the API: Multibanco Example call.
There is no test data for this payment method, but you can see how it works from the description above.