PayWithMyBank is an online payment alternative to debit and credit cards. To pay, simply log into your online banking account directly from the merchant site. Your bank provides you with the same security you trust daily for online banking, and the merchant never sees or stores your information.
The maximum payable amount by a customer, for PayWithMyBank, is:
The Customer selects their Bank from the list:
then, they enter their login details: username and password.
The Customer chooses an account and confirms the payment. For test purposes, please choose Demo Checking account.
Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your site.
Contact Fabrick customer support to setup PayWithMyBank on Fabrick Payment Orchestra. This process requires 4/5 business days.
If you want to use the paymentType tag for this method, the value to use is PWMYBANK. See the section How to redirect the customer to a payment method to learn how to use the paymentType tag.
To have a smooth transition to the payment page, set the PrimaryEmail field as OrderDetails.CustomerDetails.
The CountryCode is optional, but if present it must be set to US.
An example call is available in the API: PayWithMyBank Example call.
To test PayWithMyBank, use the below test data:
Bank Name
Demo Bank
Add user. For example: 12345678
Add any number. For example: 12345
Demo Checking Account